
That post title is misleading. I feel like there isn’t really all that much happening probably time has been standing still in the last few weeks till #2 arrives.  A buddy in Houston due this month had her 3rd on Tuesday. Congrats on that! I am in no rush for our second to arrive early, in some ways the anticipation is killer and thinking about other fresh babes in arms adds to it. Guess I should just go play with some newborns so I can remind myself why I’m in no rush 😉

Here are some shots of Cora lately. I haven’t been very good about taking many pictures. We’re busy I guess. That my camera is usually tucked somewhere I can’t find it and Cora moves too fast for me to capture. Go figure.

The warmer weather has had us wide open at the house, windows and doors to let the air through. Unfortunately, this also means bugs and poor Cora has the sweetest blood it would seem. The girl has been covered in bug bites. It was recommended that we give her vitamin B12. Anyone heard of this? Couldn’t find any good supporting information to back it up.

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