May 2013

I feel like a whole lot of life has been going on this last month so here’s an attempt to document some of it.

  • Sean traveled to Houston for 5 days to overhaul our old house and we
  • Listed our home in Houston for sale
  • Cora started spontaneously saying new words (feels like almost 1 new word a day)
  • I entered the 3rd trimester for kiddo #2
  • Took my last trip before #2 arrives (to visit my best gal pal, Julie)
  • I restarted my master’s degree journey
  • Found out my grandfather has advanced brain cancer

There are some pretty heavy things on that list, but also plenty of positive ones. The heavy stuff has made me really think more often about what gifts and blessings I have been given, and hope for better things for those who aren’t as fortunate. Cora has been keeping me pretty entertained and is one of those joys that I marvel at being able to experience each time. I mean I’ve had some good times in my life, my crazy wonderful family, hanging with some hilarious friends over the years, travelling lots of places and seeing cool stuff, not to mention, marrying my best friend. But being a parent has taken me through all those highs and lows again and then some. Who knew.

On a lighter note still, Cora is in fact saying quite a few words that we can interpret better now. Here’s a short list, ball, I want mas, I want this, what’s this?, Please, agua, cheese, juice, shoes, up, down, I want up and I want down, house, owl, out, no, YES!… The YES! is actually pretty funny. Preschool Adventures, Cora’s daycare, decided she needed to learn another word than ‘no’ (amen for that) and worked on it with her. Now she actually consistently uses ‘yes’ and ‘no’ appropriately and will throw out an emphatic YES! when something she really wants comes up. It’s WAYYYYY more fun than hearing ‘no’ to everything, so thanks a lot Shay and family!

And please keep my grandpaw in your thoughts as he battles brain cancer. It’s been an off and on battle, but this round isn’t a positive one.


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