This big ball just keeps on spinning…
I’m playing catch up and hopefully no one will notice that the last few posts showed up all of a sudden as I tried to remember the last year with Cora in tow.
Sean and I have been travelling a bunch, had some sad losses in our lives, been juggling full careers all while trying to spend as much time as possible with our little creation.
Cora’s up to 6 teeth this month, has learned to wave (the classic ‘baby waves to self’ wave, what a trip!), decided to start crawling on hands and knees instead of the belly drag. She has learned to stand up on her own and keep her balance (as long as that big ole noggin of her’s doesn’t get to whipping around too fast!). Her little lips are constantly flapping with baby jargon and I swear she is telling me what *I* need to be doing.
Coming up this month is my first solo trip without Cora (and conversely, Sean’s first solo with Cora!) and her FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! and Sean’s first birthday as a daddy. We’re looking forward to all these things and hope we survive the month with all that’s going on.