I’m seriously worried about this problem that has come up. As I approach my due date, I’m having a whole new set of emotional responses to any new stimulus. I like to call it Babygetoutitis. I am not good with uncertainty as many can attest to (hell I don’t even enjoy surprises even if it is something I like!). It’s made the time drag on ever so slowly these last couple of days. I’ve transitioned my responsibilities at work, and I can’t pick up new projects in the meantime. The laundry is done, the shopping list for baby completed, the classes and reading are in the bag. Just missing is family member #3. I mean sure there is probably a load of other things I could be doing to be ready – filing that paperwork just sitting on my desk, organizing the pantry alphabetically, sorting the sock drawer by length and color. But seriously, can’t the munchkin just join us already?