A new hitchin’ post

We said it would be a while before we owned a home again. And well, we lied. We’ve gone and bought a house in Seattle. Something about putting down roots, I think. Targeting a move-in date sometime next month, we’re busy beavers getting things ready to move. Here’s a taste of what we’re getting into:WP_20140715_001


Ha ha, just kidding, we’re not moving to a house on a lake. Give us a few years though, it sure is an attractive idea after living so close to water, this town makes you really want to.


Here are some pictures for real.

We have to get some things fixed in the house before we move in, so we’ll share more photos later, but the house is officially ours as of July 22, and the job of ownership has already begun with yard work and spending money. The house is near Seward Park with a big playground, swimming area and tons of hiking and outdoor activities.

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